Black Deserts

Black deserts and golden dust. Distant winds and opaque silences. Black deserts and golden dust. Distant silence and opaque winds. Fleeing chimeras of my breath, leaving only as an echo what the soft night settles. Black gold, glittering murmurs that you let fly in the air, and which settle down to …

Shouting in Silence

Singular state for a single silence. A few words that will be said, maybe few scratches on a rainy day. The cold permeates the stillness, both the air and the ground. In this, there is but an attempt to bring up what was left down deep; the bones and the …

The Descent

Descending, Coming close to the water, walking, and feeling the cold on rocky shores. The wind blows, and each step which seems to bring me closer to my destination, stretches a path that unravels treasures yet to be discovered. I look at the rocks, descend, deep down my heart. I …

What Do You See?

When you look at the sky She said, What do you see? I don’t know I said, For I do not see. I could say I left a tear, When I gazed at the stars Nothing I would see. No Arrernte, Nuada, Rangi. No dust, not a single goodbye. Just …

The Day I Met You

  The day I met you, during a cold night of December. The rain falling from the sky to the window, From my head to my heart, softens my wishes. Let it unfold I said. For more leaves would fall in the winter. For a night where I saw more …

Thunderous sounds…

…Those of your breath, those of mine. For the dawn to come and leave in your womb the ink of gestures and evocative words; for you to see the hope of a tomorrow the common will season. For the pangs our distance left, we can perceive the four corners that …

Le passager

Le passager annonce, et laisse l’existence s’entrevoir entre deux arrêts. Cette dernière se déploie, mais toujours quelque peu discrète ; on ne saurait lui reprocher quoi ce que soit. Lorsque les portes du temps s’entrouvrent, un monde nouveau se déploie, un monde qui s’apprécie pour ce qu’il est. Et à défaut, …

Nos différences…

Drames d’impatiences Violence de nos véhémences, Absences de mots et de danses Jugements de nos apparences Manque d’abstinence, De mots doux et de silences, De caresses et de tolérance De piété et de franche ignorance Comment concilier nos différences ? Comment voir, voir sans haine Croire sans peines ? Devoir …

I’ll Be Waiting

Oh My Dear Life is here Life is here… Until I see the seas Until I feel the fields And until I saw the stars Showed you my heart There will be but me I’ll be waiting And I’ll be counting For you to see For me to be   …

Douces Nuits

Absinthe de folie, Fioles d’ivresse et parfums enivrants ; Danse de ta vie Espiègles rondes sans fins. Douceurs, vertes comme de la chair, Laisse-moi croquer tous tes baisers On recommence, Encore, et encore. Là où nous mènent tes pas. Danse sans fin, vol sans voix C’est mon refuge ; ma …

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